
The Raspberry Pi is a small and affordable single-board computer. It's an excellent platform for learning Linux operating systems, computer networking, electronics, and programming. The Pi's popularity has lead to a massive online community and a wealth of resources for self-guided learning.

StudioLab has 15 Raspberry Pi Kits available for checkout to students, staff, and faculty. Visit us during Open Hours to find out more about borrowing one.



Raspberry Pi 4 4GB with Case
5V DC 3.5A Pi Power Supply
32 GB SD Card with Raspberry Pi OS
32 GB SD Card
13.3" 1920 x 1080 Monitor
USB Mouse
USB Keyboard
USB Microphone
USB NES Gamepad

Electronics Kit

Toggle Switches
Rotary Encoder
7-Segment Display
8 x 8 Matrix Display
16 x 2 LCD Screen
74HC595 Shift Register
VL53L0X Time-of-Flight
ADXL345 Accelerometer

There are hundreds of Pi kits available online that attempt to address a beginner's needs. We weren't perfectly happy with any of them, so we made our own. 

StudioLab's solution was to create a kit that allows for immediate and comfortable access to all the features of the Raspberry Pi. This ultimately meant purchasing a high-quality version of everything, and packing it all in a cute carrying case. We hope you like it.



We produced a few tutorials that introduce you to the basics of our kit and the Raspberry Pi. If there's a topic you want to see covered or you want to make a tutorial yourself, let us know and we'll make it happen.

Navigating Terminal

1. Introduction and User $Home
2. Viewing and Editing Texts and Files
3. Navigating the File Tree
4. Computer Processes: Tips and Tricks
5. Software Installing / Package Handling
6. User Customization and Shenanigans
