RadLab Coordinator
StudioLab - Fine Hall, Room B08

What's your concentration?
Civil and Environmental Engineering

What other projects or groups are you part of at Princeton?
Princeton Engineers Without Borders and Brazil Society at Princeton  

Where are you from?
São Paulo, Brasil 

Why did you want to work at StudioLab?
I joined StudioLab because I have always liked fabrication and thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more while helping beginners. I also wanted to see what other Princeton students were up to and discover the great facilities we have here.

What’s the most incredible project you’ve ever seen?
I think Mark Rober's glitter bombs are a great combination of engineering, comedy, and functionality. There's a whole series on it on his Youtube channel if you want to check it out!

Have you been working on any special projects lately?
The last thing I made at StudioLab was a map of the United States. I used the pen plotter to draw it out on a foam board so that I could display my collection of pins.

Where should beginners start at StudioLab?
I would tell them to talk to a student technician and ask for a tour to see all the cool machines we have!

What's your favorite machine in StudioLab?
The laser cutter is my favorite machine because it is super easy to use and extremelly fast. You can do really cool stuff with just 20min.