
Field of Study: Civil and Environmental Engineering 

This scientist is most known for...studying air pollution and applying climate science to policy solutions. Dr. Mauzerall is an expert in the role of air pollutants - specifically increases in surface ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter - in human health. 

Affiliated Institutions of Work:

  • Princeton University Professor of Environmental Engineering and International Affairs
  • National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, Visiting Scientist and Post-doctoral Fellow
  • Harvard University Ph.D., Atmospheric Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science Department, M.A., Atmospheric Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science Department
  • Stanford University M.S., Environmental Engineering
  • Brown University Sc.B., Chemistry
  • University of Sussex, exchange student 
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Program Manager
  • Bruce Company, Washington D.C. Chemist

Related Princeton Course

  • CEE334: Global Environmental Issues

Active Research Era: 21st century

Notable Achievements: 

Dr. Mauzerall is studying air pollution and applying climate science to policy solutions. The goal of her research group is “to utilize science to inform the development of far-sighted air quality policy that considers impacts of air pollution on human health, agriculture and climate change.” She also studies the connection between air pollution origin and transport and impacts on human health. 

Additionally, Mauzerall was a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which won a Nobel Peace Prize. 


Denise L. Mauzerall. The Trustees of Princeton University. Accessed August 19, 2022. 

Nominated by Kathleen Song

Edited by Ava Tynan