StudioLab Technician
StudioLab - Fine Hall, Room B08

What's your concentration?
Computer Science

What other projects or groups are you part of at Princeton?
Muslim Student Association Historian, Muslims Engineers for Social Impact and Justice co-President, Association for Computing Machinery Officer, Religious Life Council, and Scholars Institute Fellows Program

Where are you from?
Parsippany, New Jersey

Why did you want to work at StudioLab?
The StudioLab is such an underrated resource at Princeton that I've loved spending time in, and I wanted to be able to help others benefit from it.

Where should beginners start at StudioLab?
Learn how to use Illustrator to make simple designs! You can then cut them out of paper, make stickers, laser cut, or even use the pen plotter to draw it out :)

What's the next project you want to work on?
I want to use a Raspberry Pi and learn how to set up Linux and use it as a server to run code on remotely. Then, I might try to network two or more of them together to learn more about how computing clusters are run!