Explore ways to get involved!
SAFE funding is available for individual undergraduate and graduate student groups. Funding may be used for student projects and events. See more examples of student funded projects.
For the fall semester, SAFE will open September 9 and close October 7. Funding decisions will be made mid October.
For the spring semester, SAFE will open February 3 and close March 3. Funding decisions will be made mid March.
Please note that CST does not provide funding for Senior Thesis research.
The Gregory T. Pope Prize for Science Writing is granted to an undergraduate student who has shown a keen interest in science and demonstrated an outstanding ability to communicate that enthusiasm to a wide audience through journalism.
CST offers many opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to gain meaningful experience through employment/work study and paid internships.
CST welcomes the input of Princeton students through the Student Advisory Board (SAB). Students can apply for the SAB at the start of each academic year.
The CST offers graduate students the opportunity to serve as University Administrative Fellows (UAFs) and Research Assistants.