MSE 200/STC 200 - Magic Materials taught by Dr. Kai Filsinger (PMI) held their first lab session in the NCW ceramics studio, to give the students the opportunity to experience the hydroplastic properties of clays. In addition to their project,
they also prepared some clay samples to take back to our lab for processing and testing to
visualize some of the scientific concepts we talked about during lecture.

Taught by Kai Filsinger (PMI), the goal of this course is to give students a glimpse into the world of materials through the
lens of history and science. Each lecture introduces a class of materials, explaining their
historical influence on human society and how modern representatives of these materials
might change our modern society. Scientific concepts are introduced that explain the behavior
of these materials. During lab sessions we create materials, sometimes recreating historic
processes and other times creating high-tech materials.