The second installment of the Materials Salon series brought together a full house of scholars and enthusiasts on November 8, 2024, to continue the engaging exploration of glass. Speakers, including…
Thank you to everyone who attended our annual B. Evnin Lecture on Nov. 18. Nearly 400 people were in attendance in person in McCosh 50 and online to hear Hideo Mabuchi, a 1992 Princeton Alumnus and Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University.
CST’s Associate Director, Penelope Georges, and Executive Director, Sami Kahn, have co-authored a new article published in Biomedical Engineering Education, titled “Arts Integration in an Undergraduate General Education Course to Improve Engagement in Bioengineering.”
We’re excited to share our 2023-2024 CST Annual Report, which includes information on our courses, programs, and research activities.
The inaugural “The Peoples’ Sky: Indigenous Astronomy Since the Beginning of Time” conference was hosted earlier this month in a joint collaboration between the CST, the Astrophysical Sciences Department, the History Department, the Anthropology Department, Campus Dining, the Program for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ProCES), the Physics and…
FRS 155 - The Oldest Science spent Fall Break 2024 in Peru!
During fall break, FRS 127 journeyed to the UK to explore the intersections of biology, art, ethics, and medical history in London and Brighton.
CST's Student Advisory Board member, Lilia Burtonpatel ’27 kicked off this semester’s RadLab series last week with her presentation, Green Gaming – Examining Ecology in Video Games.
The CST hosted a fun-filled hands-on event of “The Science of Cheese-Making” on October 28th, as a part of the “Brainy Bites” series exploring the science behind popular food items. Assistant Director Vivian Feng teamed up with…
CST’s Assistant Director, Dr. Vivian Feng, was invited to serve as the Study Leader to join the Princeton Journeys’ trip of “Flavors of Provence” on a river cruise in southern France. Vivian delivered two lectures, “The Science of Cheese–Making” and “Chemical and Sensory…
Students from across the university gathered for a Bioethics Exchange discussion with Dr. Jianping Fu on the use of synthetic embryo models for studying development and disease.
Led by Assistant Baseball Coaches Kyle Bonicki , KJ Hallgren, and…
CST Assistant Director Erin Flowers *23 spoke with Dr. Nancy Newman ‘78 during the 2nd Every Voice Conference as part of the ‘Seeing Each Other Across Generations’ luncheon. Every Voice…
The CST welcomes University Administrative Fellow Emily Singer (MOL), who will be collaborating with advisor, Penelope Georges, throughout the 2024-25 academic year to develop programming to expand opportunities for interdisciplinary discussions through the…
Faculty, staff, and graduate students joined the first installment of the Materials and Art Faculty Salon series, a collaboration between CST, the Princeton University Art Museum (PUAM), and the Princeton Materials Institute (PMI) on September 18. Centered on the theme of glass, a diverse panel of scholars,…
On Wednesday, Sept. 11, Prof. Daniel Cohen (MAE/ODBI) presented a talk on bioelectricity at a screening of Mel Brooks’ classic film, Young Frankenstein, at Princeton Garden Theatre.
CST’s Student Advisory Board (SAB) is in full swing preparing events and activities for the year ahead! New and returning SAB members recently gathered for the first meeting of the semester to…
StudioLab welcomed university community members to our annual Open House Taco Night.
Princeton undergraduate students participated in the annual Women in STEM panel on September 5th, featuring women faculty from a variety of STEM disciplines.
Allen Shen (ORFE '26) was named the recipient of the 2024 Gregory T. Pope Prize for Scientific Writing.
This past summer was a busy one at CST! Our team engaged in a wide variety of activities all aimed at advancing STEM literacy at Princeton and beyond.
StudioLab hosted Open Hours…
The StudioLab was filled with Princeton alumni, '24 graduates, family, and friends for puzzle making and fun at our annual Puzzles & Pastries event.
George Kopf (OIT’s Director of Software Application Services) designed and fabricated his own beautiful “Archimedes spiral bowl” on the lasercutter.