STEM faculty at Princeton conduct research that benefits society, either through direct impact of the research or education about their work.  The CST provides administrative, intellectual, and financial support to bring faculty's research to Princeton and beyond through creative programming and collaborations.    

Lab Tales: A Science Storytelling Workshop

The Lab Tales workshop series is designed for graduate students from STEM disciplines to learn about science stories, how to integrate them into their research, and how to establish a stage presence and persona.

The Princeton Better for Birds Project

In collaboration with the Stoddard Lab (EEB), this project involves the construction of a pollinator garden at Stony Ford Research Center, an art exhibition featuring artwork from the Princeton community that celebrates all things birds, titled BirDiversity, and the monitoring of bird strikes on campus to identify problematic buildings and windows that are more prone to bird collisions.

The Drama Within: Embodying the Immune System on Stage and Screen

This freshman seminar, taught by Professor Andrea Graham (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) and playwright Ellen K. Graham, teaches students to convey scientific information about topics in immunology through theatrical performances.