The Council on Science and Technology (CST) provides funding for courses and co-curricular activities that support CST's mission of advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) literacy across Princeton University and beyond through its Annual Call for Proposals. 

Proposals should address one of the following:

Courses:  The CST supports the development and enhancement of courses that promote STEM literacy and foster an appreciation for the importance of STEM to students’ future lives as engaged citizens and leaders. The CST welcomes proposals for courses that provide an opportunity for students to explore the societal impact of STEM and/or bridge STEM with the arts, humanities and social sciences. Proposers may request the support of CST Associate and Assistant Directors who are content and pedagogy experts in STEM fields.

Co-Curricular ActivitiesThe CST supports co-curricular activities that explore and promote the intersections and shared creativity across STEM, the arts, humanities and social sciences. Proposals are encouraged for activities that promote engaged learning beyond the traditional classroom setting, such as forums, seminars, discussions, workshops, internships, or research studies. Successful proposals will provide participants meaningful opportunities to enhance their STEM content knowledge and engage a diverse cross-section of the Princeton student community as part of the proposed activity or through a dissemination of findings, knowledge, and experiences.

Proposals should be no more than four pages and include the following three elements:

  1. A description of the course or co-curricular activity that explains why CST is the appropriate source of funds (see CST Mission) and how the project impacts undergraduate student learning/participation;
    • For courses that will carry the SEN or SEL designation, provide specific evidence of how the content aligns with the SEN/SEL Learning Goals.
  2. A budget and justification. 
    • Funding requests may include but are not limited to: equipment and supplies that directly relate to the course or co-curricular activity, travel, support for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, and visiting collaborators, stipends for guest speakers, and a maximum cumulative summer salary (for all PIs and/or senior personnel) of $12,000. Please note that the amount awarded towards summer salary is inclusive of salary and benefits, and it is the receiving department’s responsibility to allocate accordingly. No additional funds beyond the granted amount will be provided. Proposals may also include requests for support from CST Associate and Assistant Directors at no cost to the project.
    • Justification should include how any requested items are critical to the success of the project.
  3. A letter of support for your course or project from your department/program chair is required (not counted in the four page maximum).  The letter should indicate whether the department/program will be able to cover the teaching budget (FTE) for any proposed courses.

Considerations in the evaluation of proposals include alignment with the CST’s mission, impact of the project on undergraduate student learning/participation, prior CST funding, and rationale for CST as the appropriate funding entity. Priority will be given for courses taught by ladder faculty (tenured/tenure track), Professors of the Practice, and/or Senior Lecturers.  Read about previously funded projects.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Sami Kahn, CST Executive Director, as soon as possible, to discuss potential proposal ideas, opportunities, and questions. Please note that all funding recipients will be required to provide a brief report to the CST on the outcomes of their projects.

Several awards will be made at various levels up to a total, over all awards, of approximately $100,000 to be spent over a one-year period. The average grant in 2023-2024 was approximately $12,000. 

Students doing an archaeological dig on campus