Enhancement of CEE 538 / ART 538 Holistic Analysis of Heritage Structures

Funds supported graduate student Moriah Hughes to help collect material (reference articles and books, photos) and create slides (with animations and narratives) that significantly improved the course; especially introductory part of the course and the parts related to Roman concrete and mortars. The funds were crucial for the improvements that were made in the course, and the effects were visible from students’ feedback.

Feedback from student evaluations included:

  • Excellent course, highly recommend! This has been my favorite course at Princeton. The Professor excels in teaching both the historic origins of the heritage sites and the structural analysis. The graphic statics is well taught, and the Professor is very clear in conveying technical concepts. The class also has a cordial, collaborative and friendly environment.
  • This class is amazing. You will learn new concepts and explore engineering history.
  • I wish that there were more courses like this! This is accessible to students of all academic backgrounds and worthwhile for anyone. The workload is reasonable and you will learn a lot.